SS Bombo 28-12-09

After Christmas 2009 the weather was not being kind. Rain, rain
and heavy rain blanketed Sydney. We thought that Port Kembla might
be better than Sydney. We expected less rain and better water viz.
We had a long gap between 8am and 14:00 to get onto the Bombo. And
the viz promised good things as we watched the anchor heading down.
At the bottom we were anchored just behind the stern, so Wayne quickly
moved the anchor onto a secure spot behind the engine. The viz was
fantastic, easily 20m. In fact on the way down I had looked up from
about 20m and could easily see the boat. We started at the prop
where a lovely fiddler ray grazed the bottom. We then swam around the
boiler and into the first penetration. Then down the side to end
up at the bow which is more clearly defined. It appears some of
the sand has moved from around the bow. Back again towards the
stern and a good inspection of the engine before finishing at the prop.
Even on 37% Nitrox I was within 1 minute of deco, having spent 36
minutes on wreck itself. We could have spent longer but time was
against us and we ascended away from the Bombo.